NBA JAM beer pong rules

Player makes a shot two turns in a row they call “heating up” make a shot their 3 turn they call “he’s on fire!” And they keep shooting till they miss.

Other team can heckle but only NBA JAM quotes: from downtown, ugly shot, TERRIBLE SHOT!

If a shot knocks over a cup(shatters the backboard) every one must make glass breaking sounds, last one to make the sound must drink.

If you goal tend(swat toss before it touches a cup) you and your team mate must drink.

If a shot is made from twice the length of the table you and your team mate must drink.

Standard edition is played with quarter cups.
Tournament edition is played with half cups.
If all players were born before 1986 then the game is called Arch Rivals and played with 10%+ beer or liquor.

Switched from HTC One S to Apple iPhone 5

A bunch of people have asked me why I switched to the iPhone 5.  Short answer: I wanted to.  I like Android.  I like IOS.  Apple is a huge dick for what the do to prevent unlocking and 3rd party modifications, both on their phones and on computers.  But the phone just works.  You can load an iPhone up with a bunch of crap and the keyboard doesn’t lag.  Camera’s are about the same at this point.  More and more Android phones are coming with fixed internal memory and non removable batteries.  These were complaints about the iPhones early on too.  All I want on a mobile phone is a decent battery life and good camera which is available for either device.  

Because I’ve been multiplatform for years, Windows, Mac & Linux, switching between IOS and Android has always been easy.  My phone history since the release of smart phones has been flip flopping every few years.  I had the first iPhone and the first Android phone and even back then I really didn’t have a preference except for I had a 16 gig phone back in 2006.  

Truthfully the apps are about the same.  I could get by with just 5 apps:  VoxerSpotifyFacebookSpiceworks and Evernote.