There is a woman with a chihuahua as a service dog. She has the dog because she was raped. I’m not sure how one of the easiest killed creatures on the planet is a service dog. I learned all this because she refused to go through a security screener and accused the security officer of masturbating to her scan. She claimed to know this because the dog only growls at people that are going to rape her…. Or the employees at Star Bucks, or Hudson News, or tsa security, or large men, or drug sniffing dogs, or the ticket taker, or the small child running around, or when the announcer comes over the loud speaker, or the animal control person that told her to put the dog in its carrier. I learned all this from her talking loud and doing the bitch point and foam while shouting.

I understand rape is terrible but when someone continually accuses people of wanting to rape her is it ego, out right bitch, trauma or a very unbalanced mix of the group?

Does it make things better or worse that she’s watching Ellen on her phone?

I’ve noticed a pattern in my life. When life’s good I’m terrible at Tetris’ Game B. When my days look like I’m going to end up in jail or at the bottom of a lake I rock at Game B. Theist few weeks I’ve been terrible at it and I see no signs of getting any better.


3DS Homebrew Channel imminent ⊟

French coder Smealum is preparing to release a 3DS Homebrew Channel hack for 3DSes soon! Here’s why this project is awesome:

  • It works on the latest 3DS firmware, unlike previous hacks that require outdated versions from a year and a half ago
  • This will not load commercial or pirated 3DS ROMs, only homebrew applications and games (though it will be able to run emulators like this SNES one for 3DS)
  • It will support North American, European, and Japanese systems
  • While Smealum hasn’t implemented region unlocking yet, he says "playing games from other region[s] should almost definitely be possible" — I expect this will be with imported cartridges, not ROMs

Presumably you’ll need a homebrew device to patch your system once Smealum releases the hack (although I’m also hearing that this might be possible to load with just an SD card?). Credit to @gemesisDev for the photo.

BUY Nintendo 2DS & 3DS/XL, upcoming games


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[Sisko allowed his pursuit of Eddington to become personal. He even went to hunt him down in a ship that shouldn’t have been going on a routine study mission let alone a hostile situation. All the while disobeying direct orders from his superiors. He allowed his personal feelings to cloud is judgement. How am I supposed to respect him as a Starfleet captain when he does things like that?]

Motherfucking Janeway.  Then lets talk about no respect for Sisko.