Lady outside Gate Gas station tried to sell me weed. I told her no thanks. She started being persistent. I told her to go away. She started to walk toward my car and I blocked her path and pulled out my phone to call the cops because I don’t want to be on my own …
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If I was to get my friends, family and coworkers all together no one would be surprised what another group knows about me. That being said why are so many people on social media censoring who they really are? If you’re ashamed of an aspect of your life. If you’re cheating on your significant other. …
Waffle House, chatting with a stranger
Stranger: Fuckin Obama, 2014 is the year he gets impeached. Me: Why do you say that? Stranger: Obama care is ruining America, I got a medical degree and I can’t find a job. Me: How long have you been looking? Stranger: A few years now, it fuckin sucks. Me: That is pretty shitty, what have …
It’s too early.
Jill:R ya home? Me:yep Jill:He there in half hour Me:Who? Jill:Be* Me:Who the heck is Be? Jill:I’ll be there ~_~
A friend is drunk at a party
Me:You should go sit on a girl and be like oh, I thought this was the best seat in the house. Adam: Nobody is sittimg wtf