The Art of The Deal
Category Archives: Uncategorized
House of Cosbys (Source:
Knowledge is porn.
Export AD Groups as bat file
:::: Batch Script Start ::::@ECHO OFFSETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion SET FileName=C:Report.csvSET AG=0SET EG=0SET CT=0SET NE=0SET GN= FOR /F %%T IN (‘DSQuery * -Filter “(&(objectClass=Group))” -Limit 0’) DO SET /a AG+=1 >NULFOR /F %%T IN (‘DSQuery * -Filter “(&(objectClass=Group)(^!member=*))” -Limit 0’) DO SET /a EG+=1 >NULSET /a NE=!AG!-!EG! ECHO Total Groups in Active Directory %AG% out of them …
starmendotnet: Can you believe it!? The critically acclaimed, fan favorite, certified stinky Super NES classic EarthBound is ON SALE in the North American Wii U eShop! This is a limited time deal, and a once in a lifetime chance to add this gem to your digital entertainment collection. Rabid fans have been known to spend …
How Secure Is My Password?
How Secure Is My Password? I want to remind people and I wish companies would allow this more often. Passphrases are much more secure than the stupid, difficult to remember 8+ characters with an upper and lower case letter, number and symbol. It will take much longer to crack tacotuesdaytacotuesday than R"8Mm96"weZ2fWD or yS&6Xi6YQd-vnkZ
Add viewing restrictions to your Plex Media Server
Sign into your Plex server. :32400/web Go to Settings > Users > Add User Select create A Managed User Name the user > Next Select Restrictions on the left and select all desired viewing rights in the ratings area for each media type > Add. If you’re enabling viewing restrictions it would be wise to …
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Add or remove a pin to your Plex user
Sign into your Plex server. <plexserver>:32400/web Go to Settings > Users In the user list click on the pad lock on the user you wish to enable or disable a pin for.