I walk in to deposit my check and the cop stands up and “says sir you need to remove your ball cap.” Without thinking I barked back “bitch I change banks”. The guy at customer service stood up and pointed at me and said “he’s cool” Yay vystar. The guy at customer service is my …
Author Archives: super pj
So for no reason other than being awesome my boss gave me a bonus. This weekend I will be picking up a server or two for the rack. I’m still up in the air about a scsi server cause I really wanna have a decent amount of space. I’m currently re-downloading solaris 11/11. It would be nice …
carpr0n: Spreading chaos Starring: Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX (by eplusm)
Snake was the Angry Birds of 90′s
timelightbox: Feb. 27, 2012. Namie, Japan. Police from Futaba District Police Station, which is inside the exclusion zone, search for the dead and still-missing along the ocean front near the power plant, the stacks of which can be seen in the far distance. James Nachtwey, who photographed Japan for TIME in the wake of last …
Those Japanese are always thinking. Shockwave traffic jams recreated for first time (by newscientistvideo) (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
carpr0n: Fear the lion Starring: Mitsubishi Lancer IX (by roberto_blank)
Today I won Rock 104.5’s ugliest truck in Jacksonville contest. I know a lot of people think that’s a bad thing but it comes with free tickets to the event, a stupid shirt, a hat, show off the Dodge before the event and I get to take a lap on the field. Yay!