After spending 10 hours in their native environment I’ve learned a few things. Hippies, for the most part prefer unkept beards, females do shave their arm pits. A select few drink water out of urinals. I also have recently demonstrated evidence that they can get out of their hippie bed(hammock, sleepingbag, hammock, ground, hammock, tent …

I just read that the unemployment rate for the USA is 9%.  The default rate on student loans(People who file bankruptcy or fail to ever pay) is 8.8%. The concept is simple.  If you go to college and you get student loans you go to college for something that will get you a job to …

It’s going to be weird knowing my kids will never:  – Know what the honeycomb craver is – Hear the familiar clank of a bag of crazybones – The taste of the waxy chocolate of a wonderball – Realize that no team will ever win Olmec’s temple challenge. – Own a giant rubber street sharks …