Hiroba-Pantsu Suponjibobu is an extremely popular Japanese anime that first aired in 1999. It revolves around Suponji-chan’s underwater adventures with a mentally disabled boy named Patorikku. Whilst the show may adapt a happy-go-lucky exterior, the actual plotlines can be twisted and dark. Some episodes see a fellow protagonist end their life by means of self-explosion …
Author Archives: super pj
Where do babies come from?
videogameads: Yoshi.
Robotic hand job
#include <Servo.h> //Includes servo library Servo finger1, finger2, finger3, finger4, finger5; int servoPin1 = 9;int servoPin2 = 8;int servoPin3 = 7;int servoPin4 = 6;int servoPin5 = 5; int flexPin1 = A0;int flexPin2 = A1;int flexPin3 = A2;int flexPin4 = A3;int flexPin5 = A4; void setup(){ finger1.attach(servoPin1); finger2.attach(servoPin2); finger3.attach(servoPin3); finger4.attach(servoPin4); finger5.attach(servoPin5); pinMode(servoPin1, OUTPUT); pinMode(servoPin2, OUTPUT); pinMode(servoPin3, …
Pokemon Go is a huge security risk
Pokemon Go is the latest in the long running series of games from Nintendo (although Go is actually made by a developer called Niantic). It’s also the first (I think) to run on your phone. Needless to say, it’s a huge hit. And it looks like a ton of fun – pretty much everyone I …
In 1986 There Was a Breakdance Battle in the USSR. This Guy Found Them 30 Years Later (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-lwgdMqrXY) (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
OnePlus 3
I was hopeful for the OnePlus 3 but it’s like they just went back to dad(Oppo) and asked what they should make their next phone look like. 🙁
‘Grand Theft Auto VI’ Is In Production and Almost Took Place in Tokyo
officialgta: Alas — no Shibuya crossing, no Harajuku, no Rainbow Bridge. Keep reading
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)