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Monthly Archives: January 2013
carpr0n: Tail Happiness Starring: Mitsubishi Lancer EVO IX (by Stefan Sobot)
Top image:1964: A Japanese telephone operator in Tokyo use the new View Phone, made by Toshiba Shibaura Electric Co. Bottom image:1968: Toshiba’s Model 500 View Phone, being tested at the company’s Tokyo headquarters. Now I am really disappointed with today’s mobile technology.
I just pooped a little. INFOBAR A02 / UI (by aubyKDDIofficial) (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
“I initially thought that it would be very hard to get a job, but, in fact, it was easy. I simply applied and passed the physical exam and the face-to-face interview. They had almost no requirements at all …” “You stay in the factory twelve hours a day—ten hours in the workshop, two hours for …
SpongeKnob SquareNuts – The XXX Parody trailer (by WoodRocketTV) (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
It’s weird how much Beijing looks like a scene from Blade Runner.
drawingnothing: I can be soup
tumblr_mgyk08IpeY1r7o3yyo1 Pinkman..
laughterbynight: The truth of this is ridiculous