Pretty much everywhere, it’s gonna be hot. (by KidCorduroy)
The man who made videogames at home popular has died.
Hiroshi Yamauchi (November 7, 1927 – September 19, 2013) was a Japanese businessman. He was the third president of Nintendo, joining the company in 1949 until stepping down on May 31, 2002, to be succeeded by Satoru Iwata. Yamauchi is credited with transforming Nintendo from a small hanafuda card-making company inJapan to a multi-billion dollar video game company. He also became the majority owner of the Seattle Mariners baseball team in 1992; the current CEO of the Mariners is former Nintendo of America chairman Howard Lincoln.
Install and Configure Data Deduplication 2012
Launch the PowerShell as Administrator.
PS C:> Import-Module ServerManager
PS C:> Add-WindowsFeature -name FS-Data-Deduplication
PS C:> Import-Module Deduplication
Enable Dedup on volumes.
PS C:> Enable-DedupVolume T:
PS C:> Get-DedupVolume
PS C:> Get-DedupVolume | format-list
Pull the trigger.
PS C:> Start-DedupJob –Volume T: –Type Optimization
Check the status.
PS C:> Get-DedupJob
Dearest friend /girlfriend /coworker /pet /social media follower /resident, I want to express my deepest apologies but your services as a friend /cook /watercooler talker /pooper /what ever /fuck off, are temporarily suspended as they are not needed for the foreseeable future. Its not you, its GTA V. Sincerely, SuperPJ Xcrit(PSN)
The other day I was talking to my friend about Netflix accounts and sharing them. A while back Nicci went to visit a friend in Tallahassee and a few days later stuff like bikini car wash started showing up on the recently watched list. Years later I found out that she cheated on me with him. It hit me that she went there, fucked him for a day then came home to me while he was there pounding off to soft core porn on her Netflix account for a week after.
Downloading 1.12tb of porn. Because why not?
[Descriptive noise] subtitles are actually poetry.
Sobbing mathematically
How to Advertise on a Porn Website
How to Advertise on a Porn Website
Eat24 shows you how to maximize ROI in the sexiest, least boring advertising case study of all time.