As a child of the 80’s this was my porn. 4K porn is completely unnecessary and will mostlikely frighten people.
I’m a creature of habit I guess.
Something funny I noticed. I was pulling a new key for Visio from my Technet account. Last time I pulled a key was 10/25/2012. I looked further. I pulled an office 2010 key 6/8/2011 then 6/12/2012 and again 6/10/2013. The best is Server 2012, 9/7/2012 when I tried to load it on my Mac Mini and said screw it, Apple is dumb. Then on 9/8/2013 I pulled another one and now my Mac Mini is running Server 2012.
Yay, whiskey sour. Yay……. Aww, whiskey sour 🙁 Room for one more.
Oh God I love Clarkson. I cried most of the video.
Shut up indiegogo. You don’t know me.
A guy walked up to me while I was washing my car and told me about how drunk he got and blew his friend. I said “we’ve all been there man.”