NOM NOM NOM Feed me dead dinosaurs.
I love eating a ton of questionable food then get to a high location.
Since the creation of the Mac OS tapping the keyboards power button has always brought up a shutdown dailogue until 10.9. Thanks Apple.
Why is there a Crock-pot in the kitchen? THIS IS NOT A HOUSE OF COOKING.
Mister Ed (1958-1966)
It was originally about a guy named Wilbur who secretly kept a human locked up in his barn. And the human didn’t talk. And it wasn’t a comedy.
Hypothesis: if 4+ police cars are observed swerving around cars traveling in the opposite direction you may double the speed limit.
Hypothesis correct.
Every morning Tubesock wakes me for food while Momma Cat over sees the process.
Pacific Rim
it was kind of tropy
Super PJ
Explain the British guy that was a direct rip of Ron Howards role on theres something about marry
Kojima Yoshiyuki
i havent seen something about marry in like 10 years :<
Super PJ
Explain how they are connected to the point of seeing memories but still need to yell commands and actions
Kojima Yoshiyuki
dont know
Super PJ
Explain how 1 brain isn’t enough but they take 2 brains and only use half and half. They showed a diagram.
They are just dumb. Maybe add a resistance thing to the robots neural feedback instead of creating mind melding technology.
And star wars is awesome.
Han shot first.