How a Pimp’s Android Pattern Lock Foiled the Feds

How a Pimp’s Android Pattern Lock Foiled the Feds


Every machine has its own acoustic signature – a precise frequency that indicates whether that machine is operating at peak performance. GE engineers monitor and record these sounds to perform real-time diagnostics on airplane engines, locomotives, power turbines, and medical equipment. Musician Matthew Dear and GE Acoustics Engineer Andrew Gorton teamed up to collect and compose thousands of audio emissions from the world’s most powerful machines. The result is an original track of music titled “Drop Science.” Download the full track on our SoundCloud.

I’m not sure what movie I’m watching but I really want them to remake it with the races reversed. A movie with a white dad angry about his white daughter bringing home a black guy. Because that would be OK to release without an incident.


I went to a gas station to grab some stuff. It’s not in the best area, on the pumps there’s a sign that says keep your valuables with you, they are not responsible for stolen items.

There is one cashier, a black man serving customers. I’m in line with a few behind me. When I get to the on deck area an Indian man opens check out window two. Slides the bullet proof window open and everything. I buy my stuff then he closes up the window and goes back to people watching the 4 others in line.


Laser Laces | The Original Glowing LED Shoelaces

Laser Laces | The Original Glowing LED Shoelaces