The bad thing about IPv6 jokes is that nobody wants to tell them first.
The best part about IPv6 jokes is that you don’t have to make up the punchline for 15 years.
The great thing about Teredo jokes is that you can tell smart jokes even when surrounded by dumb peers.
The problem with IPv6 jokes is they’re long, obscure and no one gets them without a translation.
I know a great IPv6 joke, but I just don’t think you’re ready for it.
An IPv6 packet walks into a bar. Nobody talks to him.
The great thing about Teredo jokes is that you can tell smart jokes even when surrounded by dumb peers.
I will tell you IPv6 joke, but first I need to tell you IPv4 joke, so you get it.
If you run IPv6 then you’re a c001:d00d.
IPv4 is soon dead:beef.