Holy crap, that never even entered the equation for ways to die. Seconds From Disaster – Comet Air Crash [BOAC Flight 781] (by sethland) (Source:
Category Archives: Uncategorized
“I think it’s time for beer” -Franklin D. Roosevelt (March 12, 1933)
600 gigs moved, 1400 gigs left to go. I got this gem off Craigslist for $100 then installed bigger drives. I wish I had some 3tb drives.
How to Eat Noodles Like a Boss (by TheBossNoodles) (Source:
Yay, found a rage outlet.
carpr0n: Eco geek Starring: Lexus CT200H (by
Apple vs Samsung
Apple fan boys are bad. Corporate Apple fan boys are worse. Corporate Apple Lawyers are paid to be the best. Apple knows it cannot fight Google. Apple cannot fight HTC since Foxconn builds for both HTC and Apple and Foxconn has expressed they would side with anyone but Apple. LG had an iPad of their …
carpr0n: Eat my dust Starring: Mitsubishi Lancer (by Jaunozolins)