Exchange Online mailbox too big?

Patience is important, messages might not start vanishing for a few hours but quota is freed up. Hoping you have Exchange Online Plan 2 license so you really have the over 50 GB available. Set-Mailbox -ProhibitSendQuota 98GB -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota 99GB -IssueWarningQuota 97GB Clean up things? Again, it may take a few hours to see the …

Work From Home Companies

VMWare – HomeDepot – Amazon – Wells Fargo – ADP – SAP – CVS – USDA – A Place For Mom –

Move an Appliance Disk to Azure

This process for making a Hyper-V based appliance disk images work in Azure. This has been used several times for Linux based appliance. ESXi network configurations work different and don’t transfer correctly to Azure, always go for Hyper-V images. Boot up VM, enable remote settings and remove Hyper-V agents. Using Hyper-V disk manager convert whatever …

Squeeze a little break between Exchange calendar meetings

Set-OrganizationConfig -ShortenEventScopeDefault 2 -DefaultMinutesToReduceLongEventsBy 5  These are set using the Set-OrganizationConfig setting. The three new properties are ShortenEventScopeDefault, DefaultMinutesToReduceShortEventsBy and DefaultMinutesToReduceLongEventsBy. You turn on the reduced length meetings by setting ShortenEventScopeDefault to 0, 1 or 2 where 0 is the default and meetings are not shortened and 1 means to end meetings early and 2 …

Cisco Umbrella can fuck right off

BYE BITCH #!/usr/bin/env bash CMD=$1; if [[ `id -u` = 0 ]]; then echo “You mustn’t be root when executing this script”; exit; fi function usage { echo “Usage: $(basename $0) COMMAND COMMANDS: stop Run sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.opendns.osx.RoamingClientConfigUpdater.plist start Run sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.opendns.osx.RoamingClientConfigUpdater.plist restart Stop umbrella, then start again. status Is umbrella running? …