carpr0n: It was a long winter Starring: Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X (by kkchow318)
Author Archives: super pj
I wish I had lathe skills. Making of a Shade (by rikkitikkiberger) (Source:
Old Friends
Today I decided to update me LinkedIn profile which lead me on a wild ride around the interweb looking up the people I was hanging around 10 years ago. I’m not going to name names but… 2 are dead(one killed him self other his wife killed him). 1 is a grill operator at Waffle House. …
carpr0n: Meanwhile in another timeline… Starring: Delorean DMC-12 (by karlstad Igår)
My mind just can’t handle Vanilla Ice on ice. If you told me this would happen as a kid I would have called you a stupid liar face. VANILLA ICE – DANCING ON ICE 2011 – ICE ICE BABY (by TBZCZ) (Source:
All car commercials should be a music video. OK Go – Needing/Getting – Official Video (by OkGo) (Source:
If you hire someone new and then show them how to do a procedure why would they immediately do it a different way? undefined
OH MY GOD I JUST SHIT MY PANTS> THIS IS AMAZING> I NEED THIS NOW> The forthcoming release of RISK: StarCraft will see players choose from the terran, protoss, or zerg factions and six unique heroes before going head to head in this board game classic. The struggles portrayed in the real-time strategy of StarCraft …
carpr0n: I’d rather be racing Starring: Mitsubishi Lancer EVO X (by robertzervos)