Welp, I’m nowhere near my server which runs Debian and I want to iDRAC in to do things but I forgot the password or never set it but I’m cheap and buy used so I guess I’ll just reset it remotely…. Here’s how.

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y ipmitool

Now that that’s loaded. I specifically want to reset the password for a user with admin rights so I need a list of users.

ipmitool user list 2

in the dump look under Channel Priv Limit. Find your user with ADMINISTRATOR listed and not the ID number. If you’re just resetting root then odds are it’s ID 2.

ipmitool user set password 2 #####

Replace ##### with what you want your password to be. Password changes are instant, go back to the GUI and you can sign in.

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